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Roberto and Anna De Lucia

Roberto and Anna De Lucia

Missionaries to Brazil Southeast Sao Paulo


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Ministry Description

While studying the Bible at the Word of Life Bible Institute in NY, God put in our hearts the desire to focus on Evangelism and to reach out to meet the needs of low income families in our area.

With that purpose in our hearts and the approval of our directors, in 2007 we started a new ministry within Word of Life Southeast, the Word of Life Outreach Ministries!

With the goal of reaching more and more people with the Gospel of Christ, different ministry programs were created. As we reach out to meet the needs of families in our area, doors are opened to share the Gospel!

Vinde Meninos Relief Center

The Vinde Meninos Ministry has, for the past 30 years, provided assistance and a Christian home for more than 500 abandoned children. Beginning a new phase, this ministry not only continues providing this assistance but is also reaching children who have a home but live in a state of virtual abandonment. At the Vinde Meninos Relief Center we offer support for the needy families in our area in order to meet their physical and spiritual needs. While these children spend the afternoon with us, they get a healthy meal, homework help, they participate in skill building activities and most importantly, they receive instruction from the Word of God! On special events the parents and relatives are invited to participate with us and we have the opportunity to reach out to the whole family.

Public Schools

The majority of students in the public schools of Brazil are very needy. This ministry seeks to reach out to these young people investing in their recreation as a mean to reach them with the Gospel. They are invited to spend a day of fun at our youth camp with many activities and while at camp they also hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and are challenged to surrender their lives to Christ! Nine thousand children have been evangelized on these day camps on the last two years and our goal is to reach five thousand each year.

We also have open doors to visit the students during their school hours as chaplains. This gives us the opportunity to listen to them and bring them closer to God through mentoring and discipleship.

Mission trips

One of the ways to proclaim the Gospel is through mission teams. We need help from mission trips and volunteers who will come to Brazil, spend some time with us and enable us to reach even more people with the Gospel! On each mission trip, the team will join our staff and missionaries to work together bringing hope to the assisted families and at the same time, growth to the team members.

This team is formed with Brazilians as well as people from other countries, and in many cases, they also come as a Ministry Team, participating on day camps and other evangelistic events.

Evangelism Training

Seminars are promoted in order to teach Christians a clear and concise way to evangelize on their everyday opportunities. “ You can tell it!” is the name of the seminar and it was developed by Evantell and Dr. Larry Moyer from Dallas, TX. WOL is accredited by Evantell as their representative in Brazil.

Over 1,500 people have been trained over the past few years at different locations in the country.

Alcance Camp

The Alcance (Outreach) Camp is a place where kids from Public Schools can participate in overnight camps during the summer or on weekends. This ministry gives us the opportunity to work deeper into their lives while providing a lot of fun for the kids.

Five weekend mini camps are held through out every year and week long camps are held on summers. Most of these kids come on a scholarship basis as they lack resources to pay for it.

This is the place where we want all the kids reached on Public Schools to come. Day camps and School visits are great to preach the Gospel but camp is the place to help them grow on their spiritual life.

About Roberto

I was born in 1979 in the city of Santos, SP, and my family moved to Atibaia one year later. My parents became involved with WOL Brazil in 1983, and my father was both the Southeast area director and the ministry’s Vice-President for 32 years.

I accepted Jesus as my Savior in 1985 in a family devotional with my parents. Since the age of 12 I have been actively involved in the ministry. In 2002 I received my degree in civil engineering from the University of São Francisco and began using that skill to help WOL with construction and maintenance as well as project designs for their own buildings and work teams.

About Anna

I was born in 1984 in the city of Atibaia. My family and I all accepted Jesus as Savior in 1990. My parents used to own a few clothing stores in Atibaia, and my father became a Pastor in 1996. Now he is the pastor at “Atibaia Bible Church”. I have been involved with the church since I was 10 years old, helping in the children’s ministry.

Together: We were married in May 2002. At that time we were both working at WOL. God had already blessed us with our own house. Anna was responsible for organizing all WOL events there in Atibaia, and I was taking care of all the ministry logistics.

In the year of 2004 God began working in our lives and placed in our hearts a desire to do more for missions with WOL and to be more prepared to do it. So, in July 2005, we left all we had in Atibaia - our house, car, dog, and family – and committed a whole year of our lives to study at WOL Bible Institute in New York. At the end of our study year, we went back to Brazil to continue serving the Lord at WOL when we started the Word of Life Outreach Ministries in Brazil.

God has blessed us with two beautiful children: Daniel was born in 2007 and Clara in 2012

Life Verse

Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”