A Heavenly Father You Can Count On

The Story

From Kelly Facemire, and Cross Cultural Intern with Word of Life:

We were up in the mountains in a small town with a community center. We had brought in all of the equipment and the set for our presentation of “Born Again for a Living Hope”. After setting up the chairs I noticed that the kids who were playing on the soccer field outside were peeking around the main doorway. Adults had taken over the field and they were curious to see what we were doing inside. I invited them to play soccer with me inside behind all of the chairs we had set up. After a few minutes of playing I asked if they would hear a story with the Evangecube. I shared the story of Jesus through the cube and realized that one of the girls, Dana, already knew all about Jesus. The Spirit led me to ask them about their earthly fathers and they shared the reality of their family situations, including abandonment and abuse. I had the amazing opportunity to share with them about a Heavenly father who would never leave them and who loves them perfectly! They smiled as I shared that they could know this Dad because of what Jesus did on the cross. Dana and Sergio both said they wanted to believe in Jesus as Savior! Keep these sweet kids in your prayers!

Sergio Lourenzo

Sergio Lourenzo



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