Missionaries to Canada Quebec
We work at Word of life Bible institute Canada in the french speaking province of Quebec! Its a missionary field with 0.6% of evangelical christians.
Gino is the Dean of men. He will also devote part of his time to complete his bachelor's degree in counseling.
Amelie is the executive secretary. She will also be involved with the organization of events.
I was born in a french canadian catholic family from a farm background. My parents feared God and raised us to be good workers and respectful men. In my early 20's, my brother came to Jesus and he radically changed. That impacted me! One day, he invited me to go to his church to an evangelization night. At first I said no but as the day went on, my mind began to change and I decided to call my brother to go with him, God was pulling me. The speaker was clear about our eternal destiny. I understood my failure to be accepted by God without Christ paying for me, and that night I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. No more than 9 months later I head of for WOL Bible school in Quebec to learn more about God! During that year, I also surrender all my futur to him, ready to serve hime anywhere! 20 years later the clear call of God to be a WOL missionnary is a real answer to my heart's desire! God's time is perfect!!
I was born on a christian family, so I came to Jesus at a very young age. I remember my mom explaining the way Jesus is saving us through his sacrifice at the cross. With a child understanding, I received Jesus as my king. I remember at the age of 10 years old, I wrote in my bible : Lord I never want to run away from you, and if I do I give you the permission to bring me back close to you! He fulfilled that request and always kept me close to him. As I grew, I invested in my church, served in summer camp, went to WOL Bible school. My faith is built on strong fondation and Jesus is continuing his work of transformation in my life. To be able to serve full time as WOL missionnary is a dream come true for me, as the desire is in my heart for so long !
Have I not commanded you? BE STRONG and COURGAEOUS. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9