Missions Opportunities
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Chile 2025 Oct 6-18 soccer field gallery
Work Trip Adventures trip in: Chile
Dates: 10/06/2025 - 10/17/2025
Cost: $731.37
Ministry Description
WOL Chile purchased a 12 acre camp property in 1982 and began construction. Today the property can accommodate around 300 campers and has 12 staff apartments. The ministry reaches 1,000's of youth per year working through the local churches in the capital region of Santiago, a city of 8,000,000. After 40 years of heavy use there are many upgrades needed on the property. These projects include:
*Finish some kitchen renovations started in February 2017
*Gallery seating in the soccer field: This will serve as a retention wall, have a center platform or press box for directing events and set around 1,500. This will have 4 seating platforms so is a huge project.
*New gym area: This will serve as a retention wall and offer more seating for activities. A back protection wall and metal roof need constructed over the area.
*New main water lines and replace the concrete septic lines with PVC.
*Run conduit and heavier new main electrical lines at ground level.
*Cabin renovations on 4 cabins. Bathrooms need remodeled with ceramic tile and new paint. In some cases they are ready for new plumbing, sinks and toilets. Someone once said camp properties are evaluated by the food and conditions for the bathrooms. The food at the camp in Chile is awesome! So now it's time to bring the rest up to a higher standard.
*Cabin renovations on 4 cabins removing some bunk beds to set up new cabin capacities.
On this trip we could be putting in the new road and entrance. This new entrance will connect WOL Chile with a new housing development of 500 homes and open doors to start a ministry with youth living there. The soccer field lighting has opened up a whole new ministry opportunity with the community. We need your help on these projects!
You'll be in the capital city of Santiago, a mega city with over 8 million people. The opportunities of WOL Chile ministry have no limits on the amount of people they can reach. The public school system invites their drama team to their schools to share about AIDS, alcoholism and drug abuse. The drama "Born Again to a Living Hope" was created from the real life stories of Pablo and Adriana. This life story reaches into the hearts and lives of the students and teachers alike. Tens of thousands have heard the gospel over the years through this very effective ministry. What a tremendous open door! YOU can be part of reaching Chile for Christ by helping with the camp property. This really is an incredible opportunity to travel to the "End of the World"! Are you ready to go?
You'll travel into Santiago International Airport (SCL) is usually over night. This is about an 8 to 10 hour flight from the US arriving in Santiago in the morning. It's a long flight but well worth the effort! You'll arrive at the camp and enjoy a hot breakfast and be ready to start the week. You'll get settled into your rooms and look over the projects. Then it's lunch time already! What a great way to start the trip.
Housing will be in cabins on the property. Most have single bunk beds so you will need to take sheets and towels. Blankets and pillows will be supplied. You might consider leaving these for the staff.
The type of transportation will depend on the size of the group. Buses are available for larger groups and you will be picked up at the airport by the WOL staff. Today the road system in Santiago is very modern with good express ways and underground subway lines crossing the entire city.
The staff will take super good care of you and the fresh baked bread is wonderful. You'll enjoy the national dishes (like chicken feet soup if you like) and "WOW" to the desserts. There are many fine restaurants close by where you will be able to enjoy the cuisine of fine dining. Artisan markets have many souvenirs and a good place to hunt for that prefect reminder of your time there.
There is no cost for your entry visa to Chile.
What to Bring
You'll need to take along your own bedding (twin sheets), towels, and personal items. A list of necessary needed tools will be sent to you closer to the trip dates. Simple things such as hammers, screwdrivers, tape measures, etc are always good things to take along. The electric is 240 volt. Many phone and computer chargers adjust to this voltage but check yours before plugging it in. Some cordless tool chargers handle a range of voltage as well. We are looking for DeWalt 20v cordless tools.
Dress Code
June to Sept are winter months in Chile with lows in the 30's. Temps are cooler in the evenings with the cold air flows down from the snow caped mountains but the days do warm nicely if not raining. You'll want warm cloths for trips during these months. Trips during Oct to March will be more like summer dress with cooler evenings. Work can be done in shorts and T-shirts but make sure you dress in layers because it will cool down at night. Church is business casual.
Financial Information
Trip cost covers: food, lodging, transportation and travel insurance plus
$125 work funds, $100 host cost
Contact Information
Ron Morton RonMorton@wol.org 419-569-1226 Palabra de Vida Chile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTAvMpS1Mwg
Other Information
Artisan markets have many souvenirs and unique gifts that will be a reminder of your time in Chile. There is so much that can be done at the camp and all skills and talents are needed. Chile is a safe place for the entire family and there is room and accommodations for the everyone to go along. Work trips are great opportunities for grandparents to introduce their grand children to missions. These projects are designed for everyone to attend so with a love for the Lord to serve and a willingness to be blessed you are what we are looking for. If you can do these things, you qualify!
So are you ready to sign up for this amazing trip? Payments can be made on line using this link: https://give.wol.org/003J7C Note who the trip cost is for in the memo section.
Project account: International Work Team Proj Fund #003J7C