


Ministry Description

By the grace of God, we reached some Churches with the Word of Life Youth program. We realized that, anywhere we present the ministry of Word of Life, pastors and the church leaders appreciate it and they warmly welcome us. This encourages us to go from church to church and start Word of Life Youth Clubs. Our country is divided in five regions. Currently Word of Life ministry is in three regions: - In the South, 22 Baptist Churches had received the Word of Life youth clubs; - In the center, 10 Churches started the WOL youth clubs - In the North, there are 10 youth-clubs. We are gathering youth for a special camp every 2 years, and the year that we do not have camp, we gather them for “special youth day”. During our camps and “special youth day”, many of the youth receive Jesus-Christ as their Savior and some of them dedicate their life for Christian life. Word of Life Togo does not have any property for the activities, as this is not our priority, and we simply hire places for our camps. Our priority is to serve the churches of Togo with their youth ministry. Our activities are Leadership training, launching new clubs, visiting, and teaching in the clubs and encourage them.

Location Information

Togo is a small country with 56,600 square kilometers, with a population of about 8.5 million. Word of Life was invited to Togo by a Pastor in 2005. In 2007 they made the first visit and training. We now have a Togo team, with Richard Amouzou as coordinator and Eric Edoh assisting in this ministry.

Missionaries in Togo

Career Missionaries

Giving Projects