Our Missionaries
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Ministry Description
I will be doing a program called Vinde Meninos. This program runs four days a week. It is similar to a Vacation Bible School program. I will be working with teenagers in the morning, and children in the afternoon. With the children, I will be showing them basic life skills, teaching them the Bible, and instructing them in a sport like volleyball. The program is similar with the teenagers. Most of these children come from broken homes, and my mission is to help them take their next step with Jesus. During the mid-winter and mid-summer months, we will be putting on an English camp, where the program is similar to a Word of Life camp, and we teach them English! While my internship is going on, I will be pursuing a Bachelor of Religion with a focus in Ministry with Liberty University.
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About Dawson
I was raised in a Christ-centered, loving family. I lived in Canada for the first half of my life, as my dad was the Executive Director of Word of Life Canada. I lived a normal Christian-kid life, attending church clubs and a Christian school. When I was eleven, my family moved to New Jersey because my dad accepted a new role at a church. My faith was tested for the first time, as I enrolled in a public school. After years of making poor decisions, living a double life, and being ashamed of Christ in my school; the Lord made it abundantly clear that my life needed to change. Instead of pursuing a nursing degree, I decided I would go to Word of Life and see what God had for me there. After I fully dedicated my life to God and started taking small steps of obedience, He started showing me what He was calling me to do. I was introduced to CCI (Cross-Cultural Internship), which is the opportunity to be a full-time missionary in another country for two or three years! By the end of my first year at the Bible Institute, I knew this was what God was calling me to do. I see how many people in the world have never been reached with the Gospel, and it breaks my heart that they may never spend eternity with God, because they never had a chance to hear. I have found Brazil to be historically open to the Gospel, and that is where I believe God will use me to see His work get done! Since I have given my life to Christ, I have never turned back, and the rest of my life belongs to Him. I will have all of eternity to reflect on how I spent my time on earth, and I want it all to count for Him.
Life Verse
The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and he delights in his way. When he falls, he will not be hurled down, because the Lord is the one who holds his hand. I have been young and now I am old, yet I have not seen the righteous abandoned or his children begging for bread. He is always generous, always lending, and his children are a blessing. Psalms 37:23-26