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Ministry Description
SYME- English For Life Ministry Coordinator
Background – SYME is a discipleship focused English Immersion School, that seeks to help each student grow in their English ability and help each student take their next step with Jesus. Since the SYME program began in 2007 we have had 257 students, 86 graduates went on to study at the Word of Life Bible Institute, 14 graduates have become Pastors, 11 Missionaries, 13 are serving in Church leadership roles and 3 graduates are currently studying in Seminary preparing to become pastors in the future. We believe that the SYME program is a tool that God can use to make disciples by reaching, training and equipping a new generation of people who can then go and make disciples themselves.
We believe this because Mana and I were once students of this program and now Word of Life has asked us to be a part of this exciting ministry serving in a leadership position as the SYME Ministry Coordinator. We Praise God for His faithfulness for all that He has done in the past and we are excited to experience what He will do in the future!
As the SYME Ministry Coordinator we will focus on evangelizing and discipling students while also being trained to take on the role of leading this exciting ministry into the future. We are excited to have the opportunity of sharing the gospel and preaching the Word of God to students who were once just like us. We look forward to helping students trust in the hope of the gospel, join a healthy local church, and grow in their confidence in Christ. By God’s strength, they too, can understand their calling to be used by God as disciple-makers.
About Kazu
I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior when I was 21 years old. As I was struggling with my future plan, I realized that God embraced me with His love and forgave me through His death and resurrection.
My life was then further changed through one of the ministries of Word of Life Japan called SYME (School of Youth Ministries in English). Since I did not know how to live as a Christian, even though I was saved, SYME showed me how to build a strong foundation in my faith and deepen my relationship with God.
Through the SYME experience, God gave me a passion to share the gospel and encourage young Christians who were also struggling with various things in life. As a first step, God opened a door for me to attend the Word of Life Bible Institute to learn more about Him for two years. Then, God brought me back to Japan to work as an intern at SYME. The internship was also a great experience for me to learn how to serve the students and see their growth in the Lord.
The SYME ministry is an effective tool to reach out to the young generation in Japan. At SYME, we teach English using the Bible because English is attractive to young people in Japan. Not only do we teach English, but we also teach how great our God is.
This is my passion. I want young people in Japan to know and walk with our awesome God.
About Mana
I thought everything was going well and my life was full without God until high school. When I entered high school, I had trouble with my physical health. I went to the hospital for many examinations, but the doctors could not find the reason for my condition. When no one could do anything to solve my problem, I wanted to disappear. It was too painful to live.
During my time of suffering, my older sister told me about some hardships in her life that sounded heavier than mine. She said she overcame her hardship by believing Jesus, who loved, helped, delivered, and died for her. She told me that Jesus knew and understood all suffering because He had lived as a human on this earth. Though He did not sin, He understood our sufferings. He even died to save us. Since He went through more suffering than I had, He understood my pain with compassion, comfort, and salvation. I realized that Jesus alone could save me from my suffering. He had died to open the way to deliver me from the greatest suffering in Hell as well. I finally realized the reason why the perfect Savior died for my sin, I could not stop my tears. I confessed to God that I was a sinner. Jesus showed His love throughout His whole life, including His death on the cross. I prayed and was thankful that Jesus became my Savior. Little by little, God gave me His strength to live and healed my health problems and my heart.
After I graduated from high school, it was recommended that I go to SYME (“School of Youth Ministries in English” run by Word of Life Japan). The first week, we learned about “Assurance of Salvation.” I did not know the Bible well, so I was not sure that I could go to Heaven. During this period, I had a personal Bible study with a staff member; and I learned that once I am saved, I am in God’s hands and nobody can take me away from Him. I realized that God is protecting me eternally (Romans 8:38-39). Now I am excited to disciple and evangelize students just like I was at SYME!
Life Verse
Matthew 9:37-38 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”