Our Missionaries
Our missionaries are normal people from all walks of life who have dedicated their lives to serving and following Jesus wherever He calls them. Want to meet them? Check out our Missionary Directory.
Ministry Description
Study coordinator at the Word of Life Seminary, discipleship with students;
Professor of classes (Greek; Hermeneutics; Bible Study Method); .
coordenador do Setor Estudo no Seminário, discipulado com alunos; aulas (Grego; Hermenêutica; Método de Estudo Bíblico)
Discipleship with Students; Practical Course lessons (Cooking and Crafts);
Various ministries: Lodging (VIP room); Ministry Alumni
Discipulado com Alunas; Aulas de Curso Prático (Culinária e Artesanato); Hospedagem (quarto VIP); Ministério de Ex-Alunos.
About Noboru
I was saved at 9 years old in a children’s camp. I heard many missionary stories, but did not surrender during my adolescence. God confirmed the call after a conflict between work and ministry in the church. I realized that God had called me to the ministry and not to secular work. After 10 years of secular work, I started training at the seminar and I am now working in the training of missionaries, pastors and leaders in general.
Conversão aos 9 anos em acampamento de crianças. O chamado se deu ao ouvir histórias missionárias, mas na adolescência esfriou. Deus confirmou o chamado após um conflito entre o trabalho e o ministério na igreja, onde vi que Deus havia me chamado para o ministério e não para trabalhar naquela área. Após 10 anos de trabalho secular iniciei o treinamento no seminário e hoje estou atuando no treinamento de missionários, pastores e líderes de um modo geral.
About Mali
I was born in Christian home, converted as a child by my father. The call was made at age 21 when I lived in Japan. I returned to Brazil and studied at two seminars and today serve the Word Organization of full-time life along with my husband and children.
Nasci em lar evangélico, converti quando criança com meu pai, o chamado se deu aos 21 anos quando morei no Japão, ao retornar ao Brasil, fiz dois seminários e hoje sirvo a Organização Palavra da Vida de tempo integral juntamente com meu marido e filhos.
Life Verse
2 Timothy 2:2 And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.