Our Missionaries
Our missionaries are normal people from all walks of life who have dedicated their lives to serving and following Jesus wherever He calls them. Want to meet them? Check out our Missionary Directory.
Ministry Description
-Reach the next generation with the gospel of Christ.
-Disciple teenagers and youth through partnership with local churches.
-Training new leaders who make disciples.
Brazil is a continental country with an incredible wealth of culture, cuisine, beautiful landscapes, but above all a country that needs to hear about Christ. From North to South we find an apparently happy and receptive people, but very lacking in the knowledge of the gospel.
Among young people aged 16 to 24, the percentage of non-religious people reaches 25% nationwide. In Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the growth of Brazilians who say they are "without religion" is even more marked, particularly among young people. In São Paulo, young people who say they are not religious reach 30% of respondents, surpassing evangelicals (27%), Catholics (24%) and other religions (19%).
Unfortunately, this distancing from a real relationship with the Lord has had terrible consequences in the lives of this new generation. According to recent surveys, one in four young people (18-24 years old) indicate that they have considered suicide as a result of the pandemic. In addition to the fact that Generation Z is lonely, prefers virtual relationships and is constantly comparing their lives with what they see on social media, generating a high level of frustration and hopelessness among them.
Our goal as a ministry is to impact these young Brazilians with the gospel that brings hope and transforms. We want to share about the love and grace that forgives, restores and gives new life. Camps, sports and other programs we organize are designed and executed so that we can establish a welcoming environment, focused on intentional relationships with those who are far from the Lord's ways and need to understand that life far from Him is a meaningless life. We also invest time in partnering with local churches to disciple, train and equip new leaders so they are passionate about reaching their generation for Christ.
About Junior
In 1996 I was just a 10-year-old child and I had the privilege to participate in a camp and that week changed my life in every way. The Lord used every part of the program, testimonies from those around me, and conversations with my counselor to speak to my heart. During that week I had a lot of fun, but above all I understood the gospel of Christ Jesus, his love and grace shown by him on the cross and in a campfire service I gave my life to Christ, trusting him as my only and sufficient Savior.
Since then everything has been different. My eternity was affected by that incredible week at camp. Every choice I made and every path I took was directly influenced by that decision. I began to grow in my relationship with the Lord by serving in my local church and being transformed into the image of Christ every day. Then I began to better understand my mission and calling to preach the gospel to my generation, just as someone once did for me.
In 2007 my local church sent me to seminary and I began to better prepare myself to work full-time in youth ministry. The Lord gave me the privilege of having someone by my side with the same passion and desire to impact our generation with the gospel of Christ and in 2010 I married Yael and for His glory we started our ministry in 2012 in the Word of Life North, same place where one day I met Christ.
Today, God has given my family the privilege of dedicating our lives full time to this ministry that one day reached me. I see the Lord completing the cycle that one day began when I was a small camper.
About Yael
I was privileged to be born and raised in a missionary family. My father Reinhold came to Brazil from Germany when he was 20 years old. At the Bible Institute in southern Brazil he met and married a Brazilian woman of German descent, my mother, Traudi. They had 7 children, of which I am “number 6”. I grew up listening to the word of God and at the age of 7 I made a personal decision to follow Christ, it was transformative. What an amazing God this is!
From a very young age, the desire for missions burned in my heart, fueled by the many missionary biographies that I loved to read. So the Lord confirmed it and at the age of 18 I went to the Bible Institute of Word of Life in northern Brazil (Amazon region) to be trained and polished and I studied there for 3 years. In the meantime I married Junior who, like me, also loves missions especially youth ministry and, of course, camps. We have three beautiful and loving children, Benjamin (2015), Zoey (2017) and Adam (2020) and my greatest desire is to be obedient and faithful to the Lord until the end, taking His love and salvation wherever He takes me. As John Wesley said, "Lord, don't let us live to be useless."
Ebenezer, "Thus far has the Lord helped us." (1 Sm 7.12).
Life Verse
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Acts 20:24