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Agatha Ayesiga

Agatha Ayesiga

Missionary to Uganda


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Ministry Description

Through my years at Word of Life, I have been involved in Discipleship, High School & University Bible Clubs, Camps, Gospel Productions, Marketing and Admissions.

About Agatha

I grew up in a catholic home in a family of 6 children. I think I was considered a generally good girl because I never did what other girls my age did (going to parties, dating, sleeping around and taking alcohol). During my teenage years, i lived with a maternal auntie who was a born again Christian, she took me to her church and a counselor shared about this Father who will always be around when I need him and all I had to do was accept him in my heart. I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior but I didn't understand exactly what it meant for Christ to die for me, I thought at the time that He would solve all my problems and give me anything that I asked him for.

2 years later, I came to know a Pastor who then explained to me what it means to be saved and for Christ to die for me on the cross and it made sense to me. I later attended a Word of Life camp and at campfire night I dedicated my life to serving God in whatever way He wishes.

In 2006 I joined Word of Life Uganda as a volunteer. It has been and continues to be a growing experience for me, I have been able to consistently study the Word of God and depend on Him to provide for me and guide my every step. It’s not easy with the ever changing needs and trends of the world, am always tempted to go in the way of the world but God has continued to take me a different direction.

Mentoring teenage girls is a challenge that God placed on my heart through my years at Word of Life. Working with these teenagers and seeing them through their life circumstances has been a tremendous opportunity for me to love and grow in the Word of God. Am encouraged by the zeal these girls have to love God with all their hearts despite the challenges they are facing as they grow.

Life Verse

1 Peter 4:11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.