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Allan and Rachel Acosta Ramirez

Allan and Rachel Acosta Ramirez

Missionaries to France


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Ministry Description

Our vision is to share the Gospel with young people and then make disciples. How ? By working in local churches with Bible Clubs. We are working in the north part of France, helping with the youth group in a church planting and developing relationship with others local churches to be able to begin to partner with them and share the vision of the WOL Bible Club Ministry. Allan would like to develop that ministry in the African French speaking countries in the next years. Rachel would like to see all the Bible Club materials translated in French and help with that.

Allan is studying a bachelor's degree in a french christian University and teaching spanish in a public middle school to help with our support.

Rachel was working as an educator in a private middle school until the birth of our son Ismael.

We are also involved in Camp Ministry during summer and events during the year: Allan with the worship team, counselling and as a odd job man, Rachel was in charge of the counsellors and the nurse the last years.

About Allan

To start, I did not grow up in a Christian home, in my house I did not hear about Jesus. My parents divorced and we stayed with my grand mother, but my parents always helped us, sending us money. Because of this situation, my brothers and I had very painful moments in our lives. My life did not really make sense and I was upset with God for not being able to enjoy my family. They were not there when I got sick, when it was my birthday, when I needed advice. But I wanted to go ahead and be an example to my brothers, but I did not know how to do it. I remember that on two occasions the pastor's wife of the church in my neighborhood invited me to church. I answered her the following sentence: I can not go to church, because God did not help my family when I needed it the most. Even giving this answer I knew that God had a plan for my life. I remember that for a December 24th, the pastor's wife encouraged me to attend church, and I told her I'll go that way she would leave me in peace after. But I did not know that I was going to find Jesus that day. The message that my pastor preached came to my heart and I gave my life to Jesus, from that moment my life began to change radically to the point that I began to preach to my family that there is hope in Jesus, I also began to preach to my friends that most are dead because they made bad decisions involving gangs. The Lord put in me a passion to preach the gospel everywhere I went, in my neighborhood, on buses, in the markets and even at university, but also the Lord gave me the opportunity to share his word in the Northeast of my country in a tribe called the Lencas. I wanted to serve God but I knew that I needed to prepare myself locally and biblically. So I started studying foreign languages in 2007 at university, and it was this year that God put in my heart to pray for France and for the French speaking countries. God has been faithful and good because He opened a door after 8 years of prayers, in 2015, giving me the opportunity to come to France as a Spanish assistant and be able to finance my stay in France. I met my wife there and we decided to serve the Lord together, serving with WOL France.

About Rachel

I was born and raised in a christian home, my dad was an elder of the church. One time, during an easter event at church, we had an evangelist who shared the gospel. I already knew a lot about Jesus, being the Son of God, dying for us on the cross, ... But that night, I understood that I was separated from God for my sin and that I really deserved to go to hell. I was still a child, but I didn't want to go to hell. I understood that I had to ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus to wash me from my sins, as he died for it on the cross. I did ask him that night and since then, he gave me life, not only eternal life but a meaningful life, here, on earth ! As i grew up as a teenager, I began to have my quiet time and I remember reading Isaiah 6:8, and that day I said to God, as Isaiah : Here I'm, send me! Since that day, I dedicate my life to serve him. I didn't know which plans he had for me but I was available for it! To serve Him and to share my faith is the reason for me to live!

Life Verse

"I love you, O Lord, my strength." Psalm 18 : 2