Our Missionaries
Our missionaries are normal people from all walks of life who have dedicated their lives to serving and following Jesus wherever He calls them. Want to meet them? Check out our Missionary Directory.
Ministry Description
Our Vision is to empower the local church to ignite a movement among youth through relational gospel-sharing and intentional discipleship to reach their generation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to: ENGAGE a community that has little or no access to the Gospel. REACH them by sharing the Gospel through personal evangelism, camps, sports, and creative activities. EQUIP and disciple youth with contextualized programs and developing local leaders for the local church and the ministry. MOBILIZE every believer to be part of the mission of God wherever they are. The goal is not only to have good youth programs but to create world changers from South Asia.
Life Verse
Psalm 67:2-3 "So that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you." (NIV)