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Osvaldo and Alba Gonzalez

Osvaldo and Alba Gonzalez

Missionaries to Argentina


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Ministry Description

For the last 38 years God has given us the privilege to serve Him in evangelistic campaigns, the choir, children's show and an evangelistic program called "Born again to a Living Hope".

My responsibility today is to coordinate the work crew in the hotel that Word of Life owns in the south of Argentina; "Hotel Pichi Traful".

We host camps, senior class trips, retreats and family programs.

About Osvaldo

In the fall of 1976, as a teenager, I came across a former classmate that has been expelled from school for bad behavior. The change in his life was so evident, that it motivated me to attend a meeting that took place at his house. That same night, I realized that my life had no purpose, or any sense; that I was lost and in need of a Savior. There and then I received Christ as my personal Savior. The winter of the same year, I went to a Word of Life Camp, and at a campfire night, I dedicated my life to the Lord. God began to speak to my heart about serving Him as a full-time missionary.

After graduating from High School, I was able to attend the Bible Institute; and it was during that time that God confirmed in my heart that I should serve Him in the ministry of Word of Life.

About Alba

I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay. I wasn't raised in a Christian home. I accepted Christ as my personal Savior at the age of 15. I heard about Word of Life Bible Clubs in my church; and in the year 1982 I went to a Word of Life Camp in Argentina. I dedicated my life to the Lord, and committed myself to a life of full-time service. After my graduation, I became a student at the Word of life Bible Institute in Argentina. That's where I met Osvaldo, who had just recently been accepted as a missionary. We got married and God blessed us with 3 children: Natalia, Juan and Lorenzo

Life Verse

"Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build: but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial, in Jerusalem." Nehemiah 2:20