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Paul and Tati O

Paul and Tati O'Bradovic

Missionary to Brazil Northeast Recife

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Ministry Description

I serve as a Local Church Missionary in Eastern New York and Western Vermont, facilitate the Youth Ministry Internship Program, and serve as the main editor for both the Fifty1 Student Ministries and Olympians curriculum.

Prior to joining Word of Life, I was a youth pastor for fourteen years at a church in northwest Ohio. I spent my time investing in the lives of the teen staff who were serving with us at the church and helping them to invest in the lives of the teens to which we ministered.

Through the ministry of Word of Life Local Church Ministries, I have the opportunity to follow the Bible model of 2 Timothy 2:2. I get to take truths of the Word of God and "commit" them "to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also."

About Paul

Prior to trusting Jesus Christ as my Savior, I was (what I loving deem) a "church brat." I was privileged to be born into a home with a Godly heritage. I was taught from a young age the truth about Jesus Christ and how a relationship with Him was possible as a result of His substitutionary death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. I filled my head with facts about God, Jesus, and the Bible, but failed to place my faith in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I memorized large portions of Scripture, knew facts and truths about Jesus to help me win Bible trivia games at church and earn awards in the children's program, but I had never called on the name of the Lord to be my Savior.

While attending church camp, I was confronted with my need to place my faith in Jesus Christ. After climbing out of bed in the middle of the night and waking up my camp counselor, we went out on the front porch of the cabin where we discussed the truth about salvation. Because I had memorized so much Scripture, I actually quoted the passages of Scripture to my camp counselor as he shared. It was there, on the front porch of Cabin 3, that I admitted to Jesus Christ that I was a sinner and needed the salvation that only He could give. I confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believed in my heart that God had raised Him from the dead. I placed my faith in Jesus Christ alone as my way to salvation and my relationship with God was restored.

Since trusting Christ as Savior, my purpose for living has changed. No longer is the Bible a book to memorize so I can win a contest, it is my source for what I believe and how I behave. About a year after trusting Christ, I surrendered my life for full time Christian service and attended Tennessee Temple University to study for the ministry. In June of 2002, I became the youth pastor at Monclova Road Baptist Church and served the Lord through youth ministry in Monclova, Ohio, until June 2016. During my 14 year service at Monclova, we used the Word of Life Curriculum, Quiet Time, and program to help disciple students in their walk with the Lord. Through the time that I invested at Monclova, the Lord gradually prepared our family for ministry as Local Church Missionaries with Word of Life.

Truly, "from a child" I have "known the holy scriptures, which" were "able to make" me "wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

Life Verse

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. - 2 Timothy 3:15