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Uzziel and Fely Campis

Uzziel and Fely Campis

Missionaries to Mexico


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Ministry Description

Excecutive Dean at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Mexico for Central America and the Carebean

Bible Institute Teacher

Dean of Women

Students counseling, leadership training

About Uzziel

I was born in the city of Puebla, Mexico, under the religious chatholic guidance of my mother. When I was 11 my parents met Christ and their testimony had a great impact in my life. God used their lives to bring me to Him in 1992.

I met Fely in 2000 in the Word of Life Bible Institute in Argentina while I was studying and preparing for ministry. We got married in 2004 and moved to Mexico.

We started serving the Lord in youth ministry at Nueva Vida Bible Church, Puebla Mex.

We had the privilege to be part of couseling, women, discipleship and evangelism ministries.

In 2008, I started working as a full time English teacher and tutor for Mid-Term School students.

Among job responsibilities, in 2011 we started a church planting project in San Martin Texmelucan, Puebla.

In 2017 God called us go back to full time ministry. We were accepted to become full time WOL missionaries to Mexico on August 2017. We feel very excited for what the Lord has ahead for us.

On January 2018 moved to Bernal Querétaro to join the Word of life staff, serving as Teacher in the Bible Institute and counselors for students.

On August 2018 God called us to become Local Church Ministries Coordinator for Mexico.

Since 2022 we have been serving as Excecutive Dean in the Bible Institute.

We have felt a great need to lift the Word of truth in the midst of a generation in darkness, as well as the importance of preparing leaders who could be an impact in our region. This is the reason why we want to give our live for God's sake.

About Fely

I was born in Formosa, Argentina. When I was 11 I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal saviour. I got involved in discipleship, bible study and evangelism in my local church. In 2001 I had the great oportunity to go to World of Life Bible Institute to prepare to serve the Lord. That's the place where I met Uzziel, who is now my husband and we have been serving our lord in the city of Puebla, Mexico since 2004

The lord has given us four beautiful children; Dana Ailén (10), Zoe Abigail (7), Dariana Ayelén (5) and Matías Uzziel (2). They are our joy and our first ministry. We pray God for wisdom instructing and guiding them in His ways.

On 2017 The Lord called us back to full time ministry and God has confimed in every detail his calling to our lives as a family.

Life Verse

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6