12 Years Later…

The Story

2017 is a year of firsts for our family. Currently we are in the process of adopting our first child. We also have the opportunity to go on our first mission trip as a married couple, and Kaidus’ first mission trip ever!!

Twelve years ago this Spring, Dan and I went on our first trip to Portugal for a week. We both loved the trip and the things we learned and grew in. About a year and a 1/2 later, Dan spent the summer in Portugal, working at their camp.

We’ve prayed for an opportunity to go back to Portugal since our first year of marriage, but a fitting opportunity hasn’t come up until now. We have the opportunity to go back for 2 weeks this coming June to help get ready for camp. We are so excited to go back and serve in this capacity.

One of our biggest goals as a family is to be examples to our children and give them opportunities to serve others. Kaidus loves to learn and this trip is going to be such an awesome experience for him.

We would love if you would consider partnering with us in 2 ways: through prayer and financial support. We would covet your prayers as we prepare for this trip! We have a lot that needs to be accomplished prior to leaving; Kaidus’ adoption to be finalized, then all the post-adoption paperwork, getting him a passport, and then everything we need to prepare for the trip. While there are a lot of steps we need to take in the upcoming months, we are looking forward to all that God has in store.

Kyle and Nicola Gray

Kyle and Nicola Gray

the United States

the United States

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