Cross Cultural Internship

About The Internship
The Cross Cultural Internship (CCI) is a ministry of Word of Life which sends students to Word of Life mission fields around the world giving them the opportunity to serve as a missionary while working toward a college degree at a discounted price. This two year internship consists of intense training, support raising, and service in one of 81 countries where Word of Life ministers. Students will learn how to build a support team, navigate culture shock, possibly learn a second language, and minister alongside full-time missionaries.
No matter what your future holds, spending two years serving cross culturally will be an incredible way to gain experience and skills that God can use for the rest of your life! Most importantly, this is an opportunity for you to expand your understanding of God’s plan for the nations and to become a true laborer for the gospel for the rest of your lives.
Who Is CCI For?
- Anyone who is willing to learn and serve.
- Anyone who wants to get a global vision of what God is doing.
- Anyone who faithfully attends a local church and has the support of its leadership.
- A current student at or recent graduate from a Christian college with 1-2 years of Bible and ministry training.

Where Can I Go?
Established CCI Locations
New Zealand
South Korea
Quebec, Canada
Emerging CCI Locations
Dominican Republic
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
To read more about specific ministries developed on various WOL mission fields where we have CCI interns, click on the link below.
How Can I Serve?
CCI Ministry Opportunities
Word of Life focuses on reaching youth with the Gospel and discipling them to reach their friends. Therefore, no matter what ministry you do, the ultimate goal is to share your faith and serve children, teens, and college students. Around the world, our missionaries seek to come alongside local churches to use almost any talent, skill, or spiritual gift to build relationships with young people for this purpose. Here are some examples of ministry needs and opportunities that CCI interns help with on a regular basis:
- Local churches – Word of Life Bible Clubs,
youth groups, evangelistic events. - Camps and conferences – Summer, winter, english.
- Evangelism – Open air evangelistic events, sporting events.
- Discipleship – Being discipled by WOL missionaries and/or other local believers, discipling young people.
- Education – TESOL, Bible teaching.
- Miscellaneous – Administration, drama, kitchen, housekeeping, information technology, maintenance, marketing, productions, music, photography, social media, videography.
Testimonies from Cross Cultural Interns
CCI Timeline Summary
Journey to the Field
- Interest - Pray and seek counsel from parents, church leadership, and mentors.
- Apply - January-May – Complete CCI Application at and interviews, get accepted, and agree on field placement.
- Training - May-August – Complete online Introductory Training and support raising homework. August – Attend Support Raising Training Week. October – Attend WOLBI Missions Conference. August-December – Build a support team, serve in your church, begin online education, and reach 100% support.
- Departure - January – Finalize logistics and leave for your field!
Life on the Field
- 1st Year of CCI - Continue online education, begin learning a new culture and language, and begin serving with WOL missionaries on your field.
- December - January - Return home for Christmas break.
- 2nd Year of CCI - Continue online education, continue serving with WOL missionaries on your field, possibly serve at another WOL field on a short-term trip, and finalize plan with CCI leadership for after CCI.
- October - Attend WOLBI Missions Conference and graduate from CCI!
Current CCI Interns
If you have been accepted as a Cross Cultural Intern, please click on the link below to access the CCI Training videos.