Éliakim: I am the assistant to the director of the Bible Institute, I work with big projects from student life events to reverbs, to practical ministries and youth events. With the help of God, I am also investing into the lives of students on campus as well.
Michaela: I am the Dean of Women at the Bible Institute, which is a discipleship based job. I have the privilege to walk through life and counsel many of our students. I also run the marketing department, which includes advertising, social media, photo and video, this department is important as it allows us to spread the news about our ministry to the local community.
I had the privilege to be born in a Christian family where my parents taught me the Word of God everyday. I believed in God but I was not putting any effort to live out my faith. My excuse was always "when I am older I will take God seriously" and so through middle school and the first part of high school, I lived my life according to my desires. I was getting further away from God, but my parents made me go to a christian camp to serve for the summer. I did not want to go, but I went and liked it. After 3 summers there, God changed my heart and made me realize that it was now that I needed to live for him and not later. I made hard decisions that pleased God and decided that I wanted to know more about Him, so I decided that after high school I wanted to give one year to God by going to a bible school. During my first year at the Bible Institute God changed my plans, and I then went to New York for a second year of Bible education. God put a desire in me to one day be a missionary, but I did not know when it was going to be or even if it was going to happen, but I knew that God knew better than me. I started working in the secular world and got married after my years at the bible school. The Lord was working my heart slowly, I continued to serve in the ministry and seek the Lords timing but in the spring of 2023, I attended a mission conference and God spoke to my heart. I remember hearing that "a lot of people can be teachers or mechanics or have any other job, but there are a few missionaries" It spoke to me, because I knew I wanted to serve the Lord full-time and I knew I had opportunities to do so in an unreached people group. Some months after, I received another opportunity to serve at the Bible Institute in Québec and I knew that I had to take it and serve the Lord with my degree even if it would take a lot of faith.
I trusted Christ to be the Lord and Savior of my life at a young age after church one sunday. In my middle and high school years is when became certain of the Lord calling me into missions. I attended both first and second year of the Bible Institute in New York, and the Lord used these two years to grow my faith in ways I never imagined. During my two years at the Bible Institute I had an opportunity to serve in Quebec, Canada. I quickly fell in love with the french speaking province of Quebec, and the more I learned about Quebec, along with the huge spiritual need, the greater my burden became to serve and learn alongside the missionaries who are there. Following my two years at the Bible Institute, lots of prayer, and confidence in the Lord's calling, I decided to join the missionary team and serve the Lord in Quebec.
Colossians 3:1-4: Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.