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Liane Daut

Liane Daut

Missionary to United States


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Ministry Description

After being able to serve in the Word of Life alumni traveling band during the year 2021-2022, the Lord has given me yet another opportunity to serve within the ministry of music with Word of Life as an intern. My job as the Worship Arts Intern consists of helping to manage, develop, and train the Bible institute, Camp, and Camp Crew music teams, and will also be traveling with the student band throughout the year. I will also be assisting in the planning of meetings, detailing music and song flow, but also training the student band to be able to provide good quality music.

God has given me the great opportunity to be able to mentor theses students, more specifically the girls on these two bands that we will be training this school year.

I am so excited to be able to serve in this particular side of the ministry of Word Of Life and be able to share with others what I have learned throughout this past year. I cannot wait to learn more about how to be a better leader and how to manage more and bigger responsibilities through this new job.

About Liane

I was born into a family who loved the Lord and desired to serve Him with all to their hearts. As soon as my parents got married they set off for the far country of France and we have been missionaries there for 17 years. I decided to accept Christ at the young age of 4 years old and fully believe that I was saved then. But I quickly grew far from God, not thinking much of that decision I mostly thought I had assurance through my parent's' faith.

Around age 6 through 9 I went through some very difficult things as a child that changed me and how I viewed Jesus and God. He had become a distant God whom I thought I could never reach and who I thought didn't love me even though that was a lie. I struggled a lot with anxiety, and feeling alone and scared of a future that I did not want to se nor have. I lived as a different person everywhere I went. That quickly became a lifestyle, but every day that passed it got harder because I was relying on strength that I didn't have and saying that I could do it without God. After many years God waited for me to be in the darkest moments of my life and so desperate for Him that I had no other choice but to look up to Him. He shone a light so bright that all darkness fled and I grabbed that hand that God had always been extending to me but I had failed to reach for. Something that He used a lot sin my life was music, and I definitely believe that that is something God gave me to share the gospel with others, and that I am glad to use for

I found Jesus again at the age of 16 at a Word of Life camp in France, that's when true commitment to Christ began in my life and when I began to live who I claimed to be: a follower of Christ.

Then at the age of 17 during summer of 2020 God gave me the opportunity to attend the Bible Institute in Florida where God showed me what listening to His voice meant, and how much commitment that entails. I decided to follow Him no matter where He decides to take me, and that calling today is Music. In the passage of Philippians 4:6-9 God tells me not to be anxious for nothing and that speaks so much into fearing the future because God did not give me a spirit of fear ! He loves me and calls me to think on things that are true (verse 9). I absolutely love this passage and I know that all things that I fear I can bring them to God no matter how big or small they may be.

The Lord has been so faithful in showing me and giving me opportunities over and over again to testify about Him. And I am so thankful that he uses me despite of me, and every time I've been able to serve, it was and is a blessing. It has not been the easiest route to take, and there's so much growth to be had but, God keeps his promises and, continues His work in those who chose to love and follow Him. I've chosen to dedicate my life to serving God in the area of music and He seems to surprise me with new and bigger opportunities every time, which, I am super excited about.

Life Verse

Philippians 4:6-9 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.