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Matt Dunn

Matt Dunn

Missionary to the United States


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Ministry Description

I will be a Legacy team member and serve as a mentor to college and high school students. Our ministry will carry us through the southern part of the United States spreading the Gospel through music and evangelism. In addition, my team will be going overseas in the spring and will be involved in Word of Life’s summer camp ministry where I will have opportunities to preach and teach. I’ve also been asked to write the drama portion of the Christmas 2022 tour.

About Matt

My name is Matt, I’m 32 years old and I was raised in west Michigan. My dad is a pastor and I’m number four of the five boys my parents had. I grew up fly fishing with my dad, played soccer and baseball through high school and I picked up a pair of drum sticks at thirteen years old and I haven’t put them down since. I became a Christian at 15, I put my faith in Jesus as my savior, I understood that I couldn’t pay the debt of my sin. Only Christ could. He paid the debt of my sin and then resurrected three days later. I also cultivated a love for theater as I was very involved within the church. I attended Word of Life Bible Institute, in New York, for two years and then enjoyed an amazing year as staff with the Impact team. Through my time there I was able to work as a counselor at summer camp, worked within the drama department, and went overseas to Honduras, El Salvador, Ukraine and The Philippines. After my time at Word of Life, I attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL. As I got older, I encountered the worlds’ pleasure. Foolishly, I walked away from the things I had learned as a child and as a student, but God was faithful. I continued to practice theater and to play music. I took some steps back when I fell into substance abuse. Through my twenties, I had moments where self destructive tendencies felt quite strong. I questioned my faith, thought life was an inconvenience and became very cynical and jaded. Before I knew it, I was homeless and couch surfing or sleeping in my car. At this point I was living in Nashville, TN. The Lord brought me to a church in Spring Hill, TN called The Bridge Church. Through a year of attending there I made some steps forward. On November 15th of 2020, I was baptized. My baptism was the most incredible moment of my life. The dead man went into the water and a very new one came out. The Lord has been rebuilding and restoring my entire life, but after my baptism I was able to see it in a very different light. Recently, the Lord has made it clear to me that the one moment that matters is when I have to stand before Him and explain myself for my stewardship on Earth. It’s a moment I believe the redeemed should be conscious of. It’s one I need to be conscious of.

Life Verse

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creation, the old has gone, behold the new has come. 1 Corinthians 5:17.