Our Missionaries

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Alf and Tammie Wilkes

Alf and Tammie Wilkes

Missionaries to the United States

Ministry Description

Like no other time in history, young people are looking for real answers to life’s questions. They want to know truth, not just trends and traditions. Word of Life Local Church Ministries is all about communicating truth… Biblical Truth. The challenge we have embraced is to “Reach youth, whose culture constantly changes, with the TRUTH that never changes.” This requires a delicate but deliberate ministry. We are committed to the local church. We are investing in local church leaders through training and discipleship. We provide curriculum and instruction for reaching early learners (ages 4-6), children (grades 1-6), and students (ages 13-19). We are currently ministering with 13 churches throughout Northeast Pennsylvania and South Central New York. These 13 churches represent about 120 leaders in 22 ministries impacting the lives of over 500 children and youth every week!

About Alf

I was saved in September 1974 with the guidance of my mom. I got home from school where the teacher had shared the Gospel and I had questions that needed answers. She made sure I understood that I was a sinner (Romans 3:23) and that accepting God's payment for my sins was the only way I could go to heaven (Romans 6:23). Shen then led me in prayer to tell God that I was a sinner and needed His forgiveness. I asked Him to be Lord of my life. Based on His promise in Romans 10:13 I knew I was saved. Throughout elementary and high school my spiritual growth was very small. The churches we attended had childrens programs and youth groups but nothing that really left a lasting impression on my life. In college I was faced with more challenge to develop lasting spiritual disciplines in my life. Upon graduation and then getting married to my wonderful wife, I became involved in our local church and have grown tremendously through ministry opportunities and the constant encouragement of others.

About Tammie

I was saved when I was in 2nd grade during a CEF Release Time at my grade school. I raised my hand and went upstairs with one of the workers and prayed to ask Christ to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. John 3:16 I struggled throughout my teen and young adult years with assurance of salvation. I talked with alot of people, my pastor, people in church etc. During a Bible Conference I was challenged to get this settled. I prayed alot and cried alot as I talked with God. In reading Romans 10:9-11, 13 I believe that I truly accepted Christ as my savior when I was 8. I had called on the Lord and believed that He had sent His Son into this world to save me from my sins, that He died on the cross to pay the price for my sins and then rose from the dead to defeat sin and death. I believe that Satan kept me doubting so that I would be ineffective for Christ. As long as I was doubting I wasn't being useful for Christ. I now know that I was believing the lie that if I wasn't "doing" everything that a Christian should do I must not be saved. God doesn't want us to do things, He wants us to be who He wants us to be and then the doing will come out of love for Him.