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Sam Sherburne

Sam Sherburne

Missionary to Argentina

Ministry Description

Within the Gospel Productions area Samuel works closely with the Creative Director Marcelo Carrizo to develop and design new programs for camps, conferences, and the two traveling student ministries. Samuel works with the lighting on campus and while traveling with the Show Infantil. Other responsibilities include: administrative work for the GP area, making and maintaining contact with the local churches that host the Show Infanitl, Student Discipleship, maintenance.

About Sam

Samuel grew up in a Christian home, saved at the age of six he was active in the church from a very young age. In his senior year of high school he began to consider a future in missions but was unsure about what direction eh would take. Finally, he decided to take one year to study the Bible and continue with his education afterward. In September 2013 he traveled to Argentina where he participated in the Bilingual Bible Program at the Word of Life Bible Institute. At the end of the program he made the decision to remain at the Bible Institute to study in the first year program and participate in a drama ministry called the Show Infantil, through this ministry and his service area he became more and more involved in the Gospel Productions (GP) area. Over the next years the Lord began to direct and change Samuel's plans. Ultimately he studied three years in the Bible institute. During that time he became more involved in the Gospel Productions area taking charge of the lighting and sound for the Show Infantil and working with the lighting for conferences and camps. After finishing his third year in the Bible Institute he was led to serve one year as a volunteer with GP while he decided what his next steps would be. Towards the end of that year he felt led to move towards full time ministry with GP, so after a time of prayer and seeking advice he decided to return to the US to study theatrical production at Liberty University and upon completion of his studies return to Argentina as a full-time missionary with Gospel Productions.

Life Verse

1 Samuel 7:12 (KJV) Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpeh and Shen, and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.