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Marcos and Paola Llanes

Marcos and Paola Llanes

Missionaries to Argentina


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Ministry Description

During my year in a rehabilitation center for addicts, I (Marcos) began to sense a calling from the Lord to full-time ministry. The same thing was happening with Paola. We didn’t know where and how the Lord wanted to use us, but we began to pray. We knew later that God was confirming our calling to ministry through His provision for our studies and training at the Word of Life Bible Institute. In 2016, we became missionaries with Word of Life Argentina.

My passion is to faithfully proclaim the message of the gospel through my music ministry. I´ve had the opportunity to perform at over 150 venues in different countries, reaching over 90,000 people. Over 1,200 young people have given their lives to Christ, passing from death to life.

Paola serves in the preschool located on the Word of Life campus. Together with my daughters, she is an encouragement and faithful supporter of my ministry through music.

About Marcos

I’ve been singing and writing music since I was ten years old. I got saved in 2003, but for almost four years I lived far from the Lord. During those years, I struggled with substance abuse. I lived an empty, meaningless life, having no reason to get up every morning. It was not until God got a hold of my life in the midst of a near-death experience that I finally surrendered my life to Him. At summer camp in Monte, I surrendered all my talents to the Lord and committed to share the message of salvation to the lost.

About Paola

In 2007, I received Christ as my personal Savior. As a consequence of Marcos’ lifestyle, due to his drug addictions, I was going through a lot of suffering. The grace and mercy of God became so evident in my life when I look back and see how God used that season of pain and suffering to bring me to a point where I understood my need of Jesus and asked for His forgiveness for my sins. God is never late! I surrendered my life to share with others about Jesus.

Life Verse

Joshua 24:15 – “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”